William: “So Russell, what do you love about music?”

Russell: “To begin with... everything.”

- Almost Famous

At Jelli, we are passionate about audio. Audio is an ancient medium, pre-dating almost all others. We are all hardwired with audio. It is fundamental to our experience as humans.

Audio can be ephemeral, lying easily in the background, giving additional texture to what we see. But it rushes to the foreground when we hear something that touches us. Audio has always been part of spiritual ritual, and it has fueled secular, cultural and generational revolution. Audio is engaging. Audio can be social. It can be fun, too.

Audio touches us all deeply, and it sparks passion in people in ways that few mediums can. We spend trillions of hours listening to it, every year.

Welcome to the relaunch of our blog - think of it as our b-side, our second effort. We’ll try to cover topics that are interesting to people who also love audio. We are a startup focused on combining the social web with audio. We will write about areas such as audio marketing, audio design and audio engagement. We’ll touch on radio, music and advertising. We’ll have guests post here, from time to time. We’ll focus on the future of audio.

Thanks for listening.


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